Wednesday February 12th, School will be delayed until 10:00am due to current conditions and prediction of more snow.
We will update in the morning if anything changes.

Hi-Plains School District is seeking an Assistant Coach for JH Track. If you are interested in joining our great team please contact AD Erin Henschel at erinh@hp-patriots.com or Superintendent Giget Brubacher at gigetb@hp-patriots.com.

IT'S A FREEZE OUT!! Wear your PATRIOT BLUE and show your PATRIOT PRIDE at tomorrow's (2/7/2024) basketball games vs. Flagler. JH games start at 3 pm followed by HS games. GO PATRIOTS!!

Pre-K to second grade students earned a S'mores party to celebrate and show appreciation for their hard work and efforts after completing the NWEA mid-year testing. It was a fun and rewarding way to acknowledge their perseverance and dedication during the testing period. Way to Go, Patriots!

The Basketball Games with ECA have been rescheduled for Monday, February 3, 2025. Varsity only will be playing. The bus will leave at 2:00 p.m. and the games start at 5 p.m. at Evangelical Christian Academy. Good Luck Patriots!

Hi-Plains 3V3 Spring Classic Basketball Tournament
Saturday, March 22, 2025 at 8 am - $25 per team
Scan the QR Code on the Flyer to Register

Saturday 2/1/25 JH YWKC Tournament in Bethune. Bus leaves at 8:15 a.m.
9a m-Bethune vs. Hi-Plains Girls, 10am Bethune vs. Hi-Plains Boys, 11 am Winner vs. Idalia Girls, 12 pm Winner vs. Idalia Boys

Due to inclement weather, the basketball games with ECA have been canceled for today. Stay safe and warm Patriots!

The JH & HS League Knowledge Bowl meet that was scheduled for January 20th has been rescheduled for January 27th. Bus leaves at 7:15 a.m.

The basketball games with Kit Carson have been rescheduled for this Thursday, 1/23/25, in Kit Carson. JH will begin at 3 pm followed by the HS. The bus will leave at 1:50. GO PATRIOTS!

Valentine's Grams - The Hi-Plains JH and HS Cheer Team is happy to offer Valentine Grams! Valentine Grams will be delivered the afternoon of February 14th. Students can send fun messages to their friends or the staff. Parents can surprise their child with a sweet treat delivered during the school day or show some appreciation to a favorite staff member. JH and HS Cheerleaders will be selling Valentine Grams before school from 7:35 am to 7:50 am from now till February 3rd. Order forms and payment are also being collected in the front office in a Valentine Box. You can print the attached form or complete the form online by clicking the QR Code.

Due to extremely cold temperatures , Hi-Plains School will have a delayed start tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21, 2025. School will start at 10 am and buses will run two hours later than normal. Secondary students will report to 1st hour at 10 am and have shortened classes . All after school activities and basketball games will continue as scheduled. NO breakfast will be served . Stay safe, warm and bundled up!

Due to the weather and road conditions, our JH & HS basketball games at Kit Carson have been cancelled for today. If possible, we will reschedule. Stay safe & warm Patriots!

Hi-Plains will host the K-8th Spelling Bee on January 30, 2025. 4th-8th grade students start at 1 p.m. and K-3rd grade students start at 2:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided. Parents and families are welcome to attend.

Lil Firecrackers Cheer Camp
Open to Students and Children Ages 3 To 12 Years Old
Practices Feb 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th from 4:15 pm to 5 pm
Performance February 7th
Click on the Athletics & Activities Tab on our website at www.hp-patriots.com for camp participation form. Forms are also available at the school office.

Prairie Voices at Bennett High School Auditorium on Wednesday, January 15, 2025. The performances are from 3:45 p.m. to 4:45 p.m. and the admission is free.

CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER - Will be rescheduled in the spring. Honor Band at Bennett High School Auditorium on Thursday, January 9, 2025. The concert time is 6:30 p.m. and the entry fee is $5 for students and $7 for adults.

School Resumes for 7th-12th graders tomorrow, January 7, 2025 and resumes for Pre-K - 6th graders on January 8, 2025.

From all of us at Hi-Plains School District, we hope you have a safe and happy New Year!

Hi-Plains School District is seeking a full-time Transportation and Maintenance Director to join our team. If you're a motivated self-starter with knowledge of fleet, building, and grounds maintenance that is ready to join an awesome team of educators and students, please complete the online application located on the Employment tab on our website www.hp-patriots.com. This position will be open until a candidate is found. Please contact Superintendent Brubacher with questions at 970-664-2636.